FaceZip: Automatic Texture Compression for Facial Blendshapes


Recently, numerous cinematic and interactive entertainment production companies have adopted advanced capture systems to acquire faithful facial geometries and corresponding textures. However, it is difficult to animate these models in a controllable manner for real-time applications. Although blendshape is typically used for parameterizing facial geometries, dynamically changing the texture of the geometry is challenging. Because texture data are significantly larger than the vertex coordinates of the meshes, storing the texture of all the blendshape meshes is impractical. We present a method to compress texture data in a manner compatible with blendshape for real-time applications such as video games. Our method takes advantage of the locality of facial texture differences by blending a few textures with spatially different weights. Our method achieved a more accurate reconstruction of the original textures compared with the baseline principal component analysis.

In Graphics Interface 2023
Yiyi Cai
Yiyi Cai
Master Course
Kinuwaki Shinichi
Kinuwaki Shinichi
External Collaborator
Nobuyuki Umetani
Nobuyuki Umetani
Associate Professor

My research interests include interactive smart engineering design tool using physics simulation and machine learning.